Frequently Asked Questions
Got a query - we're here to answer them for youWhat are your costs?
We want to reach as many as possible, and therefor only ask you to cover the basic costs: food, accommodation and travel expenses (including parking, tolls etc). We do however encourage everyone who are blessed by our ministry to give a gift to the work. If you are unable to cover our costs, please let us know as we would love to find a way to serve you.
We look forward to hearing from you – and seeing His kingdom grow!
Are you writing a follow-up book?
Yes and No. Samantha is putting together articles that detail life after her transformation and healing. Whether these writings make it into a new book is yet to be seen. Stay tuned!
Has Peter written a book?
We sometimes get asked this question – and the answer is ‘no’. But who knows … maybe one day.
Do you offer on-going counselling?
No, we do not offer on going counselling but happy to connect you with a church or counselor in your local area.
Do you offer Prayer ministry for Deliverance?
We do not see ourselves as functioning as a “deliverance” ministry – we believe that all Christians have the authority to cast out spirits (Luke 10:19) and that all Christians can operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12) to establish freedom in the lives of others. We are more inclined towards training others to learn how to function in deliverance. We may have the opportunity to pray with folks as part of our speaking ministry at your event but we will work with your leadership to determine their needs and preferences.
Do you talk about Demons?
On reading the book My Purple Pants, you will come across the climax of Samantha’s story – a powerful time of prayer that saw her set free from many demon spirits. We understand some folks are uncomfortable about this subject being shared so openly. While we believe that all Christians should be conversant in all matters supernatural (we serve a supernatural God and demons are a part of that landscape) we can adjust the language to refer to this particular section of Sam’s story euphemistically as “prayer ministry.” In this case, we do not elaborate on what that looks like – we are happy to speak to individuals upon request.